Holographic Universe: An Introduction
Grow Rich while Walking into the Golden Aged World (with Meditation Commentaries)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​List of Books:

The following are the books written by BK Pari; more information on each of these books (and the links to go to the website of the translated books) can be found further down:

1. Holographic Universe: An Introduction

This book was launched on 18th January, 2015.

2. Grow Rich while Walking into the ​Golden Aged World (with Meditation Commentaries)
​This book was launched on 18th January, 2017.

​3. Refresh and Heal Yourself through Meditation
​This book was published on 31st July, 2017.

4. How to Think
​This book was launched on 24th June, 2019. 

5. Recovery and Prevention: Covid-19 and other Diseases
This book was launched on 18th January, 2022

6. Overcome Depression with Ease (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book was published on 15th September 2022.

7. Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book was launched on 18th January, 2023.

8. Churn to Enjoy Bliss, Stability and a Heavenly Life (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book was published on 10th June 2023.

9. Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book was published on 2nd April, 2024.

10. Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was published on 15th December, 2024.

There are more information on each of the above books (including the links to go to the website of the translated books) below this. I have provided information on the 'How to Think' book, before all the other earlier books because:

1. this is a special book that was written on the request of a BK based on what God had said.

2. this was the first book where I began to give explanations on 'extracts from the Brahma Kumaris murlis'.

The following give more information on the books written by BK Pari:

1. How to Think

God (Shiv Baba) has said that this book should be written; so the BK who manages the Shiv Baba Service Initiave, BK Google search engine and the Brahma Kumaris website asked Brahma Kumari Pari to write this book. She wrote it because she tries her best to obey God's instructions. Though this was the fourth book to get written by Brahma Kumari Pari, she has placed it at the top on her List of Books because it is an important book.

This book was launched on 24th June, 2019.

For more on this see: 

Launching of this Book.

Click on the following links:

1. to go to the Table of Contents and a brief

description on the contents of this book.

2. to purchase this eBook through the author 

(via JVZoo) 

3. to buy this eBook at Amazon,  Google Play, Apple etc. 

(for only US2.99).

4. to purchase the printed book through Pari (the author) or at Amazon, (for only US 8.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Spanish (Como pensar)

2. Portuguese (Como Devemos Pensar)

3. French (Comment penser)

4. Dutch (Hoe te denken)

5. Finnish (Kuinka ajatella)

6. Italian (Il Valore del Pensiero)

7. Greek (Πώς να σκέφτεσαι)

8. Japanese (考え方)

9. German (Wie man denken sollte)

2. Holographic Universe: An Introduction

This book was launched on 18th January, 2015. For more on this see: 

Launching of this Book.

This book has been translated into various languages.

Click on the following links for information on the

books that have been translated:

​1. Italian ​(Universo Olografico: Un'introduzione)

2. Portuguese (Universo Holográfico: Uma Introdução)

3. Spanish (Universo Holográfico: Una Introducción) 

4. French (Univers Holographique: Une Introduction)

5. Norwegian (Holografisk Univers: En Introduksjon)

6. Irish (Cruinne Holographic: Réamhrá)

7. Greek (Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν: Μια Εισαγωγή)

8.Japanese (ホログラフィックうちゆう: 提出)

9. Afrikaans (Holografiese Heelal: 'n Inleiding)

10. German (Holographisches Universum: Eine Einführung).

11. Swedish (Ett holografiskt universum : En introduktion)

12. Dutch (Holografisch universum: Een inleiding)

13. Hindi (होलोग्राफिक यूनिवर्स: एक परिचय)

14. Finnish (Holografinen Universumi: Esittely)

Click on the following links:

i. to go to the Table of Contents of the book (Holographic Universe: An Introduction), and a brief out-line of some of the things that are discussed in the chapters of this book/e-book.

ii. to purchase the printed book 'Holographic Universe : An Introduction'  at Amazon or through Pari (the author) for only RM 14.99.

iii. to buy this eBook through the author (via JVZoo) 

iv. to purchase the eBook at Amazon, Google Play, Apple / iTunes,etc for only RM9.96.

3. Grow Rich while Walking into the

​Golden Aged World

(with Meditation Commentaries)

This book was launched on 18th January, 2017. 

Click on the following links

​i. to go the Table of Contents, and a brief out-line

of some of the things that are discussed in the

chapters of this book.

ii. to buy this eBook through the author (via JVZoo)  

iii. to purchase the eBook at Amazon,  Apple iTunes, Google Play etc for only RM9.96

iv. to buy the printed edition of this book at Amazon

or through Pari (the author) for only RM 22.99

​​This book has been translated into:

1. Portuguese: Enriqueça na caminhada para o Mundo da Era de Ouro (com Comentários de Meditação)

2. Spanish: Enriquézcase mientras entra al Mundo de la Era de Oro (Con Comentarios de Meditación)

3. Japanese: 黄金の高齢者の世界 (瞑想の論評と) に歩いている間に豊かな成長

4. Dutch: Word rijk bij het binnenwandelen in de wereld van het gouden tijdperk (met meditatiecommentaar)

5. Italian: Arricchisciti camminando verso il Mondo dell’Età Dorata (con commentari alla meditazione)

6. Hindi: स्वर्ण-युग की दुनिया में जाते हुए धनवान बने (ध्यान टिप्पणियों सहित)

​7. French: S'Enrichir tout en Marchant dans le Monde de l'Âge d'Or(avec des Commentaires de Méditation)

8. Irish: Fás Saibhir agus tú ag Dul isteach sa Domhan na hAoise Órga (le Tráchtairí Meditation)

4. Refresh and Heal Yourself through Meditation

This book was published in August, 2017.

Click on the following links:

1. to go to the Table of Contents and a brief description on

the contents of this book.

2. to purchase the eBook through the author (via JVZoo)

3. to buy this eBook at AmazonGoogle Play, Apple, etc. 

(for only US2.99)

4. to purchase the printed book through Pari (the author)

or at Amazon (for only US 9.99)

This book has been translated into:

1. Portuguese (Renove-se e Cure-se através da Meditação)

2. Hindi (ध्यान के माध्यम से स्वयं को तरोताज़ा एवं रोग-मुक्त करेंdhyaan ke maadhyam se svayan ko tarotaaza evan rog-mukt karen)

3. Spanish (Renovación y sanación mediante la meditación)

4. Greek (Αναζωογονηθείτε και Θεραπευτείτε μέσω του Διαλογισμού

​5. Irish (Athnuachan agus Leigheas leat féin trí Machnamh).

6. Finnish (Virkistä ja Paranna Itseäsi Meditoinnin kautta)

​7. Norwegian (Forsterk og Helbred Deg Selv Gjennom Meditasjon)

8. Japanese (リフレッシュし、瞑想を通して自分自身を癒す)

9.German (Erquicken und heilen Sie sich selbst durch Meditation)

10. Afrikaans (Verfris en Genees Uself deur Meditasie)

11. Italian (Rivitalizzare sé stessi e Guarire con la Meditazione)

12. French (Se Régénérer et Se Guérir par la Méditation)

5. Recovery and Prevention: Covid-19 and other Diseases

Launching of this book ​on 18th January, 2022

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book

2. to buy this eBook through the author (via JVZoo)

3. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

4. to buying the printed book through the author 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi: रिकवरी और रोकथाम: कोविड -19 और अन्य रोग

2. French: Récupération et Prévention :Covid-19 et autres Maladies

3. Japanese: 回復と予防:コビッド-19と他の病気

4. Greek: Ανάρρωση και πρόληψη: Covid-19 και άλλες ασθένειες

5. Italian: Recupero e Prevenzione: Covid-19 e altre Malattie

6. Portuguese: Recuperação e Prevenção: Covid-19 e outras Doenças

6. Overcome Depression with Ease (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was published in September 2022.

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book.

2. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi: डिप्रेशन पर आसानी से काबू पाएं (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्मा कुमारी मुरली के अंश शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese: うつ病を簡単に克服する (説明付きのブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋を含む)

3. Spanish: Supera la Depresión fácilmente (incluye extractos de Brahma Kumaris explicados)

4. Portuguese: Supere a Depressão com Facilidade (Inclui Extratos de Murli Brahma Kumaris com Explicações)

5. French: Vaincre la Dépression avec Facilité (comprend des Extraits de Murli Brahma Kumaris avec Explications)

​6. Italian: Superare la depressione con facilità (include estratti di Brahma Kumaris Murli con spiegazioni)

7. German: Depressionen mühelos überwinden (Einschließlich Brahma Kumaris Murli-Extrakte mit Erklärungen)

7. Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was launched on 18th January, 2023.

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book.

2. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi: तनाव, लो मूड और डिप्रेशन से मुक्त रहने के लिए राज योग ध्यान (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्मा कुमारी मुरली के अंश शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese: ストレス、気分の落ち込み、うつ病から解放されるためのラジャヨガ瞑想 (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋と説明を含む)

3. Portuguese: Meditação Raja Yoga para Permanecer Livre de Estresse, Maus Humores e Depressão (inclui Extratos de Murli Brahma Kumaris com Explicações)

4. Spanish: Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión (incluye extractos Murli de Brahma Kumaris con explicaciones)

5. French: Méditation Raja Yoga pour Rester Libre du Stress, de la Mauvaise Humeur et de la Dépression

8. Churn to Enjoy Bliss, Stability and a Heavenly Life (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was published in June 2023

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book.

2. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author, at D2D 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi : आनंद, स्थिरता और स्वर्गीय जीवन का आनंद लेने के लिए मंथन करें (व्याख्या के साथ ब्रह्मा कुमारिस मुरली के उद्धरण शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese 至福、安定、そして天国の人生を楽しむためのチャーン (説明付きのブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋を含む)

3. PortugueseAgite para Desfrutar de Felicidade, Estabilidade e uma Vida Celestial (inclui Extratos de Murlis Brahma Kumaris com explicações)

9. Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was published in April 2024

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book.

2. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author, at D2D 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

 Hindi : सुख भोगने के लिए स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनो (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ मुरली अंश शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese: 幸せを享受するためにスワダルシャン・チャクラダリになりましょう (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリ抽出物と説明付き) 

3. Spanish: Conviértete en un Swadarshan Chakradhari para disfrutar de la felicidad (incluye extractos de Brahma Kumaris Murli con explicaciones)

10. Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)

This book was published on 15th December, 2024.

Click on this link (

1. to see the Table of Contents and for
information on this book.

2. to purchase this eBook at Amazon,  
Google Play, Apple, etc. (for only US2.99). 

3. to buying the printed book through the author, at D2D 
or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi:​ ब्राह्मण बनें और बने रहें (इसमें ब्रह्माकुमारी के सात दिवसीय पाठ्यक्रम और व्याख्याओं के साथ मुरली अंश शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese: バラモンになり、バラモンであり続ける (ブラフマ クマリ 7 日間コースと説明付きムルリ抜粋が含まれます) 


The above are books which have already been written by BK Pari. The following are books which are in the process of being written:

1. Time and Ancient History

2. Evolution and Ancient History (during the Creation of the Present Ordinary Earth)

3. My Experiences with the Aliens (and Why the Aliens Exist)

This book is in the process of being written.

