Become and Remain a Brahmin
(includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)

About the Author

In this book, the Brahma Kumaris

Seven Days Course is taught through

the first few chapters. Then, in the

subsequent chapters of this book, there are:

1. murli extracts and explanations based on the knowledge in the murlis.
2. meditation guidelines.
3. brief accounts of history and other information so that the readers will have a better understanding on the BK knowledge, etc.
When a student is introduced to the knowledge, which is taught during the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course, the student becomes a Brahmin if the student accepts the knowledge for spiritual effort making. The benefits of being a Brahmin are explained in this book.

All BKs (members of the Brahma Kumaris) are Brahmins because they make spiritual efforts, based on the BK knowledge, so as to stay in yoga with God. You can also become a Brahmin through accepting and using the knowledge, which is in this book, for spiritual effort making.

The eBook ​titled "Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased at:

1. Amazon:

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5. Barnes & Noble

6. Vivlio

7. Google Play 


The printed book titled "Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased at:

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The price of the printed book is US19.99
The price of the eBook is US2.99

This book has been translated into:

1. Hindi:​ ब्राह्मण बनें और बने रहें (इसमें ब्रह्माकुमारी के सात दिवसीय पाठ्यक्रम और व्याख्याओं के साथ मुरली अंश शामिल हैं)

2. Japanese: 


The following is the Table of Contents of the book titled "Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)":

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Soul

Chapter 3: God

Chapter 4: Mind, Intellect and Memory Bank (Sanskaras) of the Soul

Chapter 5: Intellect and Three Worlds

Chapter 6: Cycle of Time and World Drama

Chapter 7: The Cycle of Time Keeps Turning

Chapter 8: World Tree

Chapter 9: World Ladder

Chapter 10: Karma and the Law of Karma

Chapter 11: Meditation Guidelines for Burning Karmic Accounts which are being Settled through the Body

Chapter 12: Meditation Guidelines for Burning Karmic Accounts which are being Settled through Adverse Situations

Chapter 13: Powers

Chapter 14: Brahmin Lifestyle and Responsibilities

Chapter 15: An Overview on the Seven Days Course

Chapter 16: Jewels of Knowledge and Pilgrimage of Remembrance

Chapter 17: Rudra Gyan Yagya (Sacrificial Fire of the Knowledge of Rudra)

Chapter 18: Rudra and Shiva

Chapter 19: God creates the Deity Religion through Brahma and the Brahmins

Chapter 20: The Caste System (including History)

Chapter 21: Brahmin Birth

Chapter 22: Brahmins and Scriptures

Chapter 23: Meditation Guidelines (See yourself as a Brahmin)

Chapter 24: Murli Extracts on Brahmins

Click here to see the cover and back cover of the book titled "Become and Remain a Brahmin (includes the Brahma Kumaris Seven Days Course and Murli Extracts with Explanations)"



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