Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression
(includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
About the Author
This book was launched on
18th January, 2023.
The contents of this book help to keep
you in a happy, peaceful, meditative,
stress-free, depression-free state. You will
not be able to experience a low mood
when you are in yoga with the Supreme Soul
through contemplating on the knowledge
in this book. The explanations in this book
are based on the knowledge of the
Brahma Kumaris. Anyone can use this book as a guide to become free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression. There are also explanations in this book on how to remove bodily defects which may be a reason why you easily feel depressed.
The eBook titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased at:
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The printed book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased at:
1. Amazon :
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The price of the printed book is US12.99
The price of the eBook is US2.99
This book has been translated into:
1. Hindi: तनाव, लो मूड और डिप्रेशन से मुक्त रहने के लिए राज योग ध्यान (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्मा कुमारी मुरली के अंश शामिल हैं)
2. Japanese: ストレス、気分の落ち込み、うつ病から解放されるためのラジャヨガ瞑想 (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋と説明を含む)
5. French: Méditation Raja Yoga pour Rester Libre du Stress, de la Mauvaise Humeur et de la Dépression
(comprend des Extraits de Brahma Kumaris Murli avec Explications)
The following is the Table of Contents of the book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)":
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction (on Overcoming Stress)
Chapter 2: Introduction (on Overcoming Low Moods and Depression)
Chapter 3: Introduction to the BK Knowledge (for Overcoming Stress and Depression)
Chapter 4: Buried in the Graveyard
Chapter 5: Transform Negative Situations through Inner Stability and the Eight Powers
Chapter 6: Handling Problems with Ease
Chapter 7: Experience the Treasures of All Attainments (to Remain Stress-free and Depression-free)
Chapter 8: Become Equal to the Father to Remain Free from Depression and Stress
Chapter 9: Become an Embodiment of Success (to Keep Stress and Depression at Bay)
Chapter 10: Remember God and Become Soul Conscious (to Keep Stress and Depression at Bay)
Chapter 11: Belong to Baba (God)
Chapter 12: Remembrance at Amrit Vela
Chapter 13: Burning of Ravana
Chapter 14: Visualisation on Murli Point for Staying Stress-free and Depression-free
Chapter 15: Remembering the Golden Age to Remain Stress-Free and Depression-Free
Chapter 16: Eating in Remembrance of God to become Spiritually Powerful
Chapter 17: Magical Healing (includes Meditation Guideline)
Chapter 18: Conclusion
Chapter 19: About the Author and Further Assistance
Other Books etc. by Brahma Kumari Pari
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