Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness
(includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book gives explanations on how
to become a swadarshan chakradhari
(Spinner of the Discus of Self-Realisation)
so as to experience happiness now and
in future births. These explanations are
based on the knowledge used by members
of the Brahma Kumaris. There are also murli extracts, and explanations for each of these murli extracts. Contemplating on the knowledge provided in this book will help to bring you into a high spiritual stage where you are a swadarshan chakradhari. As a consequence, you can experience happiness.
The eBook titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased at:
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The printed book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" can be purchased:
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The price of the printed book is US12.99
The price of the eBook is US2.99
This book has been translated into:
1. Hindi: सुख भोगने के लिए स्वदर्शन चक्रधारी बनो (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ मुरली अंश शामिल हैं)
2.Japanese: 幸せを享受するためにスワダルシャン・チャクラダリになりましょう (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリ抽出物と説明付き)
3. Spanish: Conviértete en un Swadarshan Chakradhari para disfrutar de la felicidad (incluye extractos de Brahma Kumaris Murli con explicaciones)
The following is the Table of Contents of the book titled "Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari to Enjoy Happiness (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)":
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Soul
Chapter 3: Ancient History and the BK Cycle of Time
Chapter 4: Spiritual Efforts based on God’s Knowledge to Become a Swadarshan Chakradhari
Chapter 5: God is Swadarshanchakradhari
Chapter 6: A Swadarshanchakradhari is a Trikaldarshi
Chapter 7: Spin the Cycle to Cut Off Maya’s Head
Chapter 8: Become Swadarshanchakradhari and Not Pardarshanchakradhari
Chapter 9: Spin the Discus of Self-realisation and Remember your Kingdom
Chapter 10: The Discus of Self-realisation Spins in the Intellect of God’s Brides
Chapter 11: Happiness
Chapter 12: The Five Forms
Chapter 13: Meditation Guidelines - My Five Powerful Forms
Chapter 14: The Swadarshanchakra Ornament
Chapter 15: Avyakt Murli on Five Forms
Chapter 16: Become an Embodiment of Experience
Chapter 17: Conclusion
Other Books etc. by Brahma Kumari Pari
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